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Liebster nomination (part 2)


Ahhh! Finally!!  I am excited to complete my nomination by Cymbrie! Apologies for the delay I have bursts of blogging busyness then other projects/homeschool/work/life tear me away!

Now down to the details. 11 questions I was asked:

Your favourite quote?

I am quote crazy and jot down so many so cannot choose but I have to say something my late grandmother used to tell me springs instantly to mind and that is ‘If you can’t be good, be careful’ it has served me pretty well although not always 😉

Why did you start your blog?

Having really enjoyed writing and attempts at blogging in the past and scattered notes and a tendency to overshare documenting my life, a few significant personal setbacks in the last few years made having a blog high on my list of self development priorities this year (TICK)

What is your favorite blog and why? (Please provide a link.)

Ok, I used be crazy about so many US craft blogs, mum blogs and style blogs and yet these days I can barely remember half of them but one I have visited for years and still LOVE is . Why? In three points because it is clean, stylish and I just want to live in it! 🙂

What is your dream job?

If I knew then I would stop ‘dabbling’ and jump in… I guess I would ultimately have to say farming the land somewhere warm, having animals to care for, teaching others about sustainable semi self sufficient lifestyles and lifestyle design (I enjoy speaking to an audience) and travelling in between with my kids whilst writing my latest novel 🙂

What is your favorite book?

Another impossible one for me, my goodness is it even possible to pick just one in a lifetime. Another blog post with some recommendations is the best I can leave you with! Sorry!! I cannot possibly say one!


The best place you have visited?

I love hanging out at the British Museum to remind me just how insignificant I am in the history of the world! Also I feel rather grounded and full of reflection in Cornwall, UK on a sandy beach.

A place you would love to travel to?

Australia, lengthy roadtrip – I am talking as long as possible. I am a bit Oz obsessed despite never having been (YET!)

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

I have a tendency to ‘get the fuck back up’ when life dishes blows (excuse me as I do swear often for effect as stated on my ‘ABOUT’ page) I guess a more adult way of saying this is that I am resilient and I’m pretty proud of that.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

They will think you are nuts anyway. It took me years to just ‘do me’ and stop being a damn people pleaser (although I still am a bit, but working on it)

What is one of your hidden talents?

Possibly assessing dog behaviour, I spent a lot of time around dogs as a kid, observing them, just being with them. My dogs aren’t overly trained, I am talking about just natural pack behaviour rather than tricks for treats.


How do you decompress after a stressful day?

Strangely to many, our rats. We have adopted quite a few pets rats and you just cannot remain stressed with a few smart and naughty rats clambering over you, trying to outwit each other in stashing food treats! They are far too funny to not feel cheery in their presence! Oh and craft magazines! Wine is good, accompanied by chocolate but truly I rarely sit still so thanks for the reminder to try to chill!


My questions to those nominated are as follows, remember there is no obligation to participate but I would love to learn more about you all!

1.tell us one of your goals for 2016?

2. can you share one childhood memory?

3. what is your favourite meal?

4. name one significant person in your teens… and why!

5. when was the last time you cried?

6. recommend a movie you love!

7. do you have an annoying habit?

8. tell us about your blog (for those new to it)

9. in three words describe your best day ever!!!

10. who is your favourite person?

11. can you share something not many people know about you?

For those not familiar (I wasn’t!) this link explains this post 🙂

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I nominate…

anyone reading that wants to join in ! Please do as I would LOVE to read your answers 🙂



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